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I.Sc. Ag Complete Solution Plant and Animal Science III Year / II Semester

By: Rajendra Bogati, Pratiksha Adhikari, Shilpa Subedi


Key Features : Strictly based on new syllabus . Chapterwise solutions for each subjects . Probable questions solutions completely befit the new syllabus . Additional chapterwise impotarnt questions with solutions . Model questions sets . Comprehensive language . Foundation for Public Service Commission (PSC) examination .

Book Details

  • Publisher:Heritage Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
  • Dimensions:6.5 x 8.5 x 0.5 Inches
  • Edition:2025 A.D. / 2081 B.S.
  • Paper:Soft
  • Category: Complete Solution, Diploma in Agriculture III Year / II Part
  • Language:English
  • Binding:Soft Cover
  • Pages:284
  • Weight:


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